Friday, June 12, 2009

CF Husband is our Father's Day Daddy

Hi Girlfriends, We are pleased to share with you our favorite pick for "Daddy" this Father's Day. This daddy writes a blog, "Confessions of a CF Husband" is our dream of a husband and father. As his wife, Tricia is equally an important Mommie, it is her husband, Nate, who earns all our kudos for this coming Father's Day.

Story line:

Nate married Tricia knowing of her Cystic Fibrosis condition. Outside of wanting to be married, Tricia also wanted a baby all of her life. She got both. Just before she was to enter Duke Hospital in NC, for lungs replacement, she learns she is pregnant. Along with the support of Duke and her husband and family, Tricia has Baby Gwyneth Rose. Both Mommie and infant are in ICU for quite a while, but eventually baby comes home and Mommie receives her new lungs. Recovery is slow and tedious, but the joy of Gwyneth is every reason for Tricia to survive. And, Nate to be there...full time.

Today, life is becoming "normal" for all three.

Gwen and I are grateful for the quality time Nate has accomplished in his loving care for his family. I took the following photos from his blog and I can't tell you how pleased to share these moving photos.

Happy Father's Day to Nate:


CFHusband said...

thanks so much!

Christy said...

You have chosen a terrific daddy and hubby. WTG Nate!

Kadence and Adam. . . and Mommy said...

Too coll! Nate deserves this!

HUGGS from Honolulu

Ginger said...

just beautiful, Nate you deserve it!

Denise said...

Thanks G.F.s for your vote of confidence in our selection. Again, Happy Father's Day to Nate-!!

Girlfriends, Denise and Gwen