I keep asking myself,"Why didn't I marry a Geek?" Instead, I married the one who knows everything and can do all, except turn on a computer-!! Right now, Yahoo isn't able to send any "get a quote" from my website, "discountdesignerfabricsonline.com" for several months now. I was paying my webdesigner to host me, but he had me switch over to Yahoo in November. All was fine until '09. The lingo is about "PHP".......lol like this Grannie would know all about PHP. Stressful for me, only I am at Yahoo's mercy waiting for them to correct the situation into my 3rd month. Why is this so difficult? I think it has to do with everytime I call, I get a new geek with a better solution. In the meantime, Yahoo keeps taking my monthly payments out of my credit card.
Despite Yahoo, Spring is coming. Sunshine is warming the Spring bulbs and by this time next week, all the astilbes will be blooming. Here is one of my neighbors front yard.
I sincerely apologize to anyone trying to contact me through my website. Especially since economy times are stressing us all enough. My what a good thing my "to-the-trade" designer fabrics are so attractive in pricing to you, my internet client.
My blog pick of the week: Alkemie.blogspot.com
Talk again,
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