Hi Girlfriends, If you venture over to
Brunschwig & Fils website you will find just what we have been posting of late. Glamorous gowns made from "to the trade" designer fabrics. We are merely expressing how stunning these fabrics have been executed in the Golden Era of Hollywood and, yet, they many of these fabrics can look incredible on you or your windows, upholstery and bedding. But, first, one begins the concept of design on paper, selection of fabrics, workrooms and, finally, installation. Magnifique-!! Elegance-!!
These Brunschwig and Fils gowns were part of a traveling exhibition (2007) designed by 8 award - winning costume designers using Brunschwig and Fils luxurious fabrics. The gowns traveled a multi city and European tour before ending up in New York where they were auctioned off to benefit The Actors Fund.

If you know which Brunschwig and Fils fabrics you want, please visit
our website to obtain them at our prices.
A la prochaine,
Denise et Gwen
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