Hi Girlfriends, The role of
fabric at the window has long been an important feature of interior design and decoration. The term "soft window treatments" includes draperies, curtains,
shades and top treatments.......all of which are made of fabric.
Denise: Choices are broad and diverse because of the unlimited spectrum of fabrics.
Gwen: A plus tard, one can find decorative functional fabric in an overwhelming array of colors, patterns, texture, weights, and constructions.
Denise: After all is said and done, c'est a one-of-a-kind treatment that is not only right but pleasing to the homeowner.
Gwen: I want to say something about clothes too. Like when I think of velvet, I think of the movie,
Gone With The Wind.
Denise: Gwen, I swear, you
always go for glamorous and romantic Hollywood.
Gwen: That's because everything was larger than life in the beginning. Diamonds were bigger, the furs were thicker and more. The silks, velvets, satins and chiffons spoke to one-!
Denise: And miles of ostrich feathers.
Gwen: I loved it all "back when" movies were exaggeration of history, fiction and the whole wide extraordinary world.
Denise: Yea, you're right...........remember how the basic was perfect designing and incredible workmanship.........the cut of decolletage, the embroidery, the mounting of a skirt, and miles and miles of bugle beads?
Gwen. (sigh!) If you think about it, costumes made back then (20's, 30's, 40's & 50's) are not much different today for window treatments when it comes to designing, measuring,
selecting fabrics, workmanship and the final execution.
Denise: So right. The eye travels, the mind travels, in a maze of perfection and imagination.
Coucou, since it is still summer et window treatments n'est-ce pas on many minds, but, to get into a hint of interior design mood, Gwen et I thought our girlfriends would enjoy some of Scarlet's wardrobe. They were masterpieces of sensitive design that underlined her complex character with subtlety and originality. Her wardrobe designer was Walter Plunkett and his re-creation of the period remains an almost perfect example of motion picture period costuming.

Walter Plunkett's costumes for Vivien Leigh as Scarlett in
Gone With The Wind perfectly mirrored the changes in the character. We first see her as an innocent and obviously well protected Southern belle, all frills and lightness.

Plunkett famed, "curtain dress" remains a masterpiece of ingenuity and Plunkett's best-remembered costume. Made from the dining room portieres by Scarlett's mammy.I love the short cape and the sash contrived from the curtain's cord and tassels added a touch of dash that suited the spunky Scarlett.

The irresistible Scarlett on a shopping spree after her marriage to Rhett Butler as we find her indulging herself in countless gowns and fancy hats. This charming dress, with its bodice and apron front of heavy striped satin, butterfly sleeves edged with pleated organdy, and underskirt of faille banded with a pleated ruffle of the stripe, is pure delight. The outfit is said to have cost $4,000.

Scarlet in Walter Plunkett's garnet-red velvet gown, trimmed with ostrich feathers and paste rubies, one of the most beautiful costumes in Gone With The Wind. At the star's insistence Plunkett gave her a tulle stole to dispel her fear that the dress made her look too "tarty."
Denise: Gwen, these black and white photos shout of colour. The fabrics are timeless.
Gwen: As is "Gone With The Wind."
A la prochaine,
Denise et Gwen