Hi Girlfriends,
Today is not about fabrics or decor, it is about Nate, Tricia and Baby Gwyneth Rose.
From time to time, we have been following one courageous blog and have shared the blogger's incredible brave 'happenings' with you.
"Confessions of a CF Husband," instantly, draws you into the captivating true life story about a devoted 27 year old husband, Nate, to a beautiful, but, sick, wife, Tricia. Tricia has serious CF (Cystic Fibrosis). They live at Nags Head, NC. when Tricia is not at Duke Medical Hospital. During all what they have been through, and waiting for a new set of lungs for Tricia, a miracle began to grow within the two of them. A baby. Tricia disregarded all the doctors concerns and had a premie over the winter. A beautiful baby girl, Gwyneth Rose. Next came the much awaited "borrowed" lungs for Tricia. Finally, Nate brought his wife and newborn back to Nags Head. This was after months of calling Duke Medical Hospital and a hotel room, HOME.
At some point life took on a "normal" life for the three, until Tricia began to not eat and knew she had an infection somewhere in her body. Tricia has lymphoma. As Tricia struggles with chemo, ventilators and all the trappings that go with her condition, she needs our prayers too.
The following is taken from Nate's blog and we am sharing it with you:
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Latest
Tricia's PET Scan (Monday morning) shows that the chemo has done very little to affect her PTLD, and, in fact, some of the spots in her lungs have grown, and the lymphoma has possibly spread to a lymph node in her chest (outside of her lungs). They are stopping the current R-CHOP treatment, since it is obviously not doing her any good, and performed another biopsy on Tuesday morning.
That is literally all we know at this point. We arrived home late last night. We should hear back from Duke later this week about what the biopsy shows and what they recommend next.
We are very discouraged as we very distinctly recall the cancer doc telling us a few months ago, "If this treatment doesn't work, Tricia is in serious trouble..."
Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth Rose
Know that we are thinking of you and send our prayers and love.
Talk again,
Denise and Gwen
Thank you.
Nate, You are welcome will our love, support and prayers for Tricia, Baby Gwyneth Rose,your combine families and you.
Denise and Gwen
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