Girlfriends, It's back to my cousin's next question she wanted to ask yesterday:
Patsy: "Ok, then why should I pay more for designer fabrics if I can find fabrics cheaper at a discount store?"
Gwen: I get this question a lot...........because it is a common misconception that the more costly the fabric and who the show room is, the better the service it will give. This is only partially true. However, middle-range fabrics can vary in quality according to such factors as the fiber's quality.
Denise: "You see, Patsy and Girlfriends, other factors are taken into account too...........the yarn's sturdiness, the weave's density, tightness, stability, and the textile's finishes all come into play."
Gwen: "High-end (expensive) fabrics often are durable because of the quality of the fiber, the weave, and so on, but they may be fragile if they are specialty fabrics (for example, fine silk)."
Patsy: "So how does your website work over discount sites?"
Denise: " We have very little over-head. No store front. No inventory. No house calls to make. No trips to show rooms either. All our Girlfriends do their own work, THEN, contact us through "get a quote" page. Let's say, you saw a fabric on a window treatment in Traditional Home and you just knew it was right for your hubby's study. Towards the back of all magazines is a Reader's Resource that will give you all the information you need: VENDOR, PATTERN and COLOR. Fill out our easy form and hit "SEND". We send you our low, low, low pricing."
Gwen: "Also, we can send you a cutting while your fabric is on Reserve for 10 days"
Patsy: "That's simple.
Gwen: "Yes, We only work through the show rooms. Never will we buy discounted fabrics through mills because they are inferior bolts."
Denise: "Correct. Discount stores who buy directly from the mills already know they have been rejected by show rooms."
Patsy: "But these discount stores mark them as "First Quality"
Denise: "Duh? That's because they look better than their "Second Quality". It's all an advertising gimmick to fool the consumer.
Patsy: In other words, show room designer fabrics could be called, "Prime Quality."
Denise and Gwen: "Right on-!!"
Talk again.......and Thank you Patsy for your questions,
Denise and Gwen
Love your site. Love your 'style'. Love your cousin for making the Dean's List. Hope to see all 3 again.
Thanks Girlfriends for posting this information. Now, I can tell my husband what "First Quality" means RERALLY means from the discounted warehouse........... and I won't allow any of it in my new dining room-!! You will be hearing from me on your website.
Patsy, I think it's wonderful you are getting a law degree. I told my mom about you making the Dean's List. She is 82 and couldn't wait to tell her golfing g.f.s all about you. Make all us girlfriends proud with this Fall's Dean List too.
Patsy, Congrats on making the Northwestern Dean's List. I am enjoying this site too.
Great Q&A session with great information!
Thanks G.F.Alkemie, We need to know what our girlfriends want for future posts.
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