Yes, from the clear and tantalizing photos by Iridio Photography, to recipes from famous members such as Semi-homemade Sandra Lee, founder of America's Test Kitchen Christropher Kimball, to, Down Home with The Neeleys (Gina and Pat)............and so many more.

This is where Costco's cookbook comes in very handy for me. My husband likes to pheasant hunt in November. Tis the season to entertain during the holidays and I like to have a Game Dinner with the hunters and their wives. As I will be doing Pheasant with a scrumptious wild rice and a sophisticated turnip souffle, my other guests are given an assignment to bring something too. Costco makes it so easy.........each girlfriend is emailed a photo with the recipe. Since it is pheasant, fruit is so simple and such an available product at Costco.
This year Cricket (Christine) will be asked to bring the appetizer:

Nancy has already volunteered to make the salad. She buys her shrimp already from Costco and her confidence level is very high when she praises Costco for this demanding product:

Sandy is a very busy "Madame President" of her village so I will have her contribute the glazed carrots that go wonderfully with pheasant every time:

Finally, Patty. She has a house full of hungry teens all the time so she will have to make extras for them.........but I know how much fun she will have making this dessert for a Grand Finale.

One last thing I will put in my basket, before checking out at Costco, the day of my party. Flowers.
I promise to post photos once the party is over...............
Bon Appetit,